

<ミトラ神学> 現代イランの新異教主義とミトラ教。


<日本の精神世界との違い  Socio-cultural Difference from Japan >

 ここでは、現代イランの新異教主義というくくり方をしたが、これは現代日本の精神世界・オカルトなどとは大きく異なる。現代の日本では、神は軽い存在になり、宗教・オカルトは「私的癒し」「私的趣味」に矮小化し、社会的・政治的な側面を持っていない。しかし、イランの新異教主義は違う。国家の道、イラン文化圏全体の進む道を憂慮することから始まっている。 簡単に言えば、大志の抱き方、そして真剣さが違うのである
In this article, the modern Iranian religio-cultural movement is labeled as “Neo-Paganism”, however, it is completely different from those of Japan which are categorized under the same name(Neo-Paganism). We should not take their movement same as Japanese one (popular sub-culture). In modern Japan, gods are not respected. Religions and occult have shrunk to mere healing (tranquilizer) and hobby. They have little socio-cultural influence. In Iranian Neo-Paganism is not the same. It began as consequent of a sincere grave over the future of Iranian state and culture. In other words, Iranians have a much greater Cause, firm-determination and far-higher integrity.

<.スィームルグ文化 Simorgh Culture   >     特徴  Characteristics
– The root of Iranian culture is Simorgh culture.
– Simorgh culture is pre-Zoroastrian Iranian culture.
– Simorgh culture covers vast area, encompassing modern north-east China, Mongol, Central Asia, Kashmir, north India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kurdistan, Caucasas, Black Sea coast, Siberia, and East Europe.
– Mithraism is a flower blossomed in the Simorgh culture. Simorgh culture is a root and mother of Mithraism.
– No-ruz of ancient Iran is celebrated on March 21th, which is spring equinox (the Sun enters 0 degree of Aries). This may be the origin of the tradition of China, Korean pennynsula and Japan, which starts new year in spring equinox.

 < 基本的な考え方  Fundamental Principles >

①万物一体   Unity of All: simorgh va râm, ghadasat jan
The whole being is in the move and happiness and dance.
The portal of Simorgh is the symbol of evolution in Iranian Culture. Iranian culture believes in the evolution not in the creation as it is in Moslem, Christianity or Judaism. Iranian Culture believes that there is no separation between happiness and dance and being. Every being came from love and happiness, from flow and dance through evolution.

②万人は神とつながっている  Direct Link with God: kharade ensani & bahman
Humans are in direct dialogue with God. All his/her thought is, basically, grows from this dialogue (each human is a building block of God). Based on this principle, the dialogues between people are taken as the dialogue with God.
The unity of a society is the outcome of being in dialog for finding the ways of living together. The unity isn’t in believing into same leader, same religion or faith or the same holy book.

③神はぶどうのふさ    God as the Bunch of Grapes: shahrivar
わたしたち一人ひとりは一粒のぶどうの実であり、人類はぶどうの房〔ふさ〕である。神を顕現させるのは、選ばれた個人ではなく、全人類の集合体、すなわち、ぶどうの房である。 全人類を対話によってつなぐことで、調和した平和な社会が生まれる。 言い換えるなら、神がこの世に顕現する。 スィームルグ哲学によれば、民主主義は統治形態ではない。それは意識状態をさす言葉なのだ。
Humans are like seeds of one “interconnected bunch” (like a bunch of grapes) where this bunch is the God. By being united and staying in dialogue with each other, society can create a harmonious union. In other words, God becomes the State. According to Simorghian philosophy, democracy is not a form of government. It is a state of mind.

④神観の進化、楽園の実現   Evolution of Concept of God, Realization of Paradise: arta, shahrivar (samandeh)
Iranian God does not have ultimate power and ultimate understanding and ultimate thought, Irania
n God learns as time goes by. Iranian God has thought like human and researches and gives birth every day to a new era. This is what Iranian God wants from us, to be like him or like her and to evolve, to explore, to think, to change and to create our own heaven here on this Earth.
Iranian culture is not looking to find an absolute truth in a religion or in an ideology and try to publicise and implement it and try to use it as the basis of a society or an State. Such conduct is against the perception of Iranian God who has the same essence as the humans.

⑤自治・自決 じち・じけつ   Self-Rule & Self-Decision: arke v kharad(kharade)
The word “arke” means self-rule and self-decision.
Kharad (kharade) is human intelligence and awareness. It is a decision not made just by the brain but by the whole of body, taking every possible thing into account before making the final decision.

⑥正義と平等   Justice & Equality: arke
Iranian culture is based on the equality of all people, because, all people are from one soul. All people are the seeds of the Tree of the Life, which means God; which is Life. Since Kharad is the direct reflection of the soul. Therefore, soul and Kharad are sacred and no law, power or any God has the right to harm them.
Humans have a kind of kharad that can establish law and order, stable society or government. Bahman*, who is “Kharade Samandeh” or Arke*, means the actual discipline, within each human change to Arta which is the justice, truth and law.

<備考 イランの文化>
イランにおいては、何ごとも神を出発点にして考える。 そうしない限り、何一つ説得力を持たない。 上述したことを、欧米流の新思想として発表しても、それは何ら説得力を持たない。神についての考察というかたちをとってこそ、はじめて説得力が生まれるのである。

<スィームルグ的理想  Simorghian Ideal >   スィームルグは、自然、生命及び知性という三つの領域の尊厳を守りつつ、油のごとき潤滑剤となって、これらの絶え間ない循環を持続させている。これら三領域の循環に同伴する意識パターンのすべてはスィームルグの友であり、スィームルグという存在の深化・進化を助けつつ、宇宙レベルでの調和を経験する。
While protecting the dignities of three essences (Nature, Life and Intelligence), Simorgh keeps their ceaseless circulation, as oil or grease which enable it. All the patterns of consciousness, which accompany this circulation of three essences, are friends of Simorgh. They experience harmony in cosmic level, while helping Simorgh to deepen and evolve itself.





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