日本政府が医師に対して放射線による病気 について口止めしている可能性が言及されており、これが事実とすれば確立している国際法であるInformed Consent (医師が患者に診療の目的や内容を十分に説明し、患者の同意を得ること)に反するとの 見解


3・11事故直後Bach IOC会長に福島の子供たちを放射能被害から守るため避難させるよう申しれた傑出した専門家Helen Caldicotto 博士の最近の福島に関する見解です。特に注目されるのは日本政府が医師に対して放射線による病気について口止めしている可能性が言及されており、これが事実とすれば確立している国際法であるInformed Consent(医師が患者に診療の目的や内容を十分に説明し、患者の同意を得ること)に反するとの見解が海外から寄せられております。


From: mitsu
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2019 10:39 PM

Dear Friends,

I am sending you an outstanding article written by Dr. Helen Caldicott, most reliable and respected nuclear expert.https://www.globalresearch.ca/fukushima-an-ongoing-global-radiological-catastrophe-a-huge-coverup-dr-helen-caldicott
The following passage of the article has drawn much attention.
“The Japanese government has told doctors that they are not to talk to their patients about radiation and illnesses derived thereof, and in fact if the doctors do that, they might lose their funding from the government. The IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency interestingly set up a hospital – a cancer hospital – in Fukushima along with the Fukushima University for people with cancer, which tells you everything.”

An American friend has addressed me the following comment.
“ If Japanese doctors are being told by their government that they may not talk to their patients about radiation-related illness, how can the patients make an Informed Consent decision about treatment? It is a violation of long-standing international law to denigrate Informed Consent. This is a violation of the Nuremberg Code and a crime against humanity.”

According to Dr.Caldicott, Fukushima is an ongoing global radiological catastrophe which no one really is addressing in full and there is a total coverup to protect the nuclear industry and all its ramifications.

We cannot but deepen our concern about the Tokyo Olympics Games to read the following passage of the article.
“May I say that parts of Tokyo are extremely radioactive. People have been measuring the dirt from rooves of apartments, from the roadway, from vacuum cleaner dust. And some of these samples, they’re so radioactive that they would classify to be buried in radioactive waste facilities in America. So, that’s number one.
Number two, to have the Olympics in Fukushima just defies imagination. And uh, some of the areas where the athletes are going to be running, the dust and dirt there has been measured, and it’s highly radioactive. “

I do hope that President Thomas Bach of the IOC will fully take into account the timely article of Dr. Caldicott.

With warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland

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