村田光平先生の、Bach IOC会長宛メッセージ、松村昭雄元国連顧問から寄せられたニューヨーク・タイムズ紙記事などを 伝えるメールが届きました。



Bach IOC会長宛メッセージ、松村昭雄元国連顧問から寄せられ

日本における不道徳の永続を許さない 歴史の法則の 目をみはる


Sent: Friday, December 27, 2019 1:42 PM

Dear Friends,

I am sending you a copy of my message addressed to President Bach of the IOC,together with a mail
of Mr Matsumura,former UN advisor,attaching an alarming article of the New York Times.

A new page is being turned in Japan.
The law of history that does not allow immorality to last indefinitely is surfacing spectacularly in Japan.
The days of all immoral and irresponsible projects could now be considered as counted.

The destructive power in all directions of nuclear energy and immorality is thus being proven.
I am supporting the energetic anti-nuclear campaign of Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi,
who is now commited to putting an end to all nuclear reactors in the world.

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima accident, an event could be organized to this effect.
PLease allow me to count on your understanding and support.

I wish you all a Happy New year !

With warmest and highest regards,

Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland

(Message addressed to President Bach of the IOC)

From: Mitsuhei Murata [mailto:mm.murata@jcom.zaq.ne.jp]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2019 6:53 PM

Dear President Bach,

Please allow me to transmit the attached message from Mr Akio Matsumura, former UN advisor.
I am sending you this mail, because a shocking information is spreading in Japan, revealing
the death of former environment ministers, rehabilitation ministers, relevant vice-ministers whose frequent visits
to Fukushima giving rise to contact with radiation are suspected to be the cause.
The Japanese are thus being dramatically awakened to the present radioactive dangers undeniably emanating from Fukushima.
As you know, the international community has already begun taking necessary steps to assure the safety of the eventual visitors,
including the visit in February to Lausanne to see you and in March to Japan to contact the Japanese Government.

The honor of the Olympic Games is at stake.
The honor of Japan is also at stake.
I am firmly committed to safe guarding the spirit of the Olympic Charter.

Please allow me to count on your understanding.

With highest and warmest regards,

Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland

P.S. In view of the importance of this message,
I would very much appreciate if you would confirm the reception of this mail.

(Exchange of mails with Mr Matsumura)

From: Mitsuhei Murata [mailto:mm.murata@jcom.zaq.ne.jp]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2019 4:48 PM
To: ‘Akio Matsumura’
Subject: RE: Re The New York Times article : Japan wants to dump tainted water

Mr. Matsumura,

Thank you very much for the alarming New York Times article.
I will transmit it to President Bach of the IOC.
The world is learning that the biggest enemy of the greatest power is ethics and morals.
The law of history that does not allow immorality to last indefinitely is surfacing spectacularly in Japan.
The arrest of a member of parliament involved in promoting casino projects in Japan is a case in point.
It is most scandalous to go on concealing the undeniable radioactive dangers emanating from the Fukushima nuclear accident,
for the sake of the Tokyo Olympic Games.
A new change in Japan is now around the corner.

Yours truly,

From: Akio Matsumura [mailto:akio521ny@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2019 5:41 AM
To: Mitsuhei Murata Ambassador 1

Subject: Re The New York Times article : Japan wants to dump tainted water

Dear Ambassador Murata
I like to let you know of the article from The New York Times : Japan Wants to Dump Nuclear Plant’s Tainted Water. Fishermen Fear the Worst.

I think this article might draw the attention to American people to consider Japan’s immoral behavior toward damage to ocean marine life and potential risk to ecology on the West Coast.
A warm and friendly wish for a Holiday Season filled with happiness.
Yours truly

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